National & regional funding institutions
Austria offers numerous film grants at national and regional level to enable independent filmmaking. If contacts to local producers do not already exist, FILM in AUSTRIA can mediate between international and Austrian production companies.
More national funding institutions
In addition to FISA+ there are the following film funding institutions at federal level:
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Austrian Film Institute
Das Österreichische Filminstitut (ÖFI)Österreichische Filminstitut (ÖFI) () ist die größte Fördereinrichtung von Österreich. Als bundesweite Institution fördert das ÖFI das österreichische Filmwesen nach kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten. Gefördert werden österreichische Kinofilme bzw. diesen gleichgestellte Koproduktionen (Spiel- und Dokumentarfilme; Mindestlänge von 70 Minuten bzw. bei Kinderfilmen 59 Minuten und bei Nachwuchsfilmen 45 Minuten).
Die Antragsberechtigung setzt eine ausreichend fachliche Qualifikation und bei Firmen einen Sitz bzw. eine Zweigniederlassung im Inland oder bei Personen die österreichische Staatsbürgerschaft bzw. einen Wohnsitz in Inland (im Falle von EU-Bürgern und EU-Bürgerinnen) voraus.
The Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI)Austrian Film Institute (ÖFI) () is Austria’s largest promotion institution. It is a national film funding agency that supports the Austrian film business based on both cultural and economic aspects. Film funding aims at promoting Austrian cinema films as well as co-productions on equal terms (feature films and documentaries; minimum length 70 minutes, 59 minutes for children’s films, and 45 minutes for new talent films).
Eligibility to file applications is based on sufficiently professional qualification, a registered office or subsidiary in Austria for companies, and Austrian citizenship or a permanent residence in Austria (in case of EU citizens) for individuals.
Funding is available in the fields of script and project development, production, exploitation (festival participation and cinema release), distribution measures, continuing professional training
Funding decisions are made by a project commission (project-based film funding) at least four times per year. Moreover, the Austrian Film Institute promotes the development and production of new films through performance-based film funding (reference film funding), if the reference film has achieved a certain minimum number of reference points.
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Film-/Television Agreement
The Film/Television Agreement (German) is an agreement between the Austrian Film Institute and the Austrian Broadcasting Service (ORF) is designed to promote the cooperation between film and television, particularly in the context of Austrian cinema film productions.
Prerequisites for funding include basic financing by the Austrian Film Institute or another film promotion institution in case of new talent and innovation projects. About 10% of annual resources are dedicated to new talent and innovation projects.
Funding decisions are made by the “Joint Commission” consisting of six members, three of whom are appointed by the Film Institute and three by the ORF, at least four times per year.
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Austrian Television Fund
The Austrian Television Fund (Fernsehfonds Austria)Austrian Television Fund (Fernsehfonds Austria) () (German) is administrated by RTR-GmbH (Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications) which receives EUR 13.5 million from the fees collected in accordance with Art. 3 (1), Austrian Broadcasting Fees Act (RGG).
Funding is available for the promotion and administration of television productions (including television films, series and documentaries).
Prerequisites for funding (overview):
Compliance with at least three criteria related to “cultural content”, such as:
Production set in Austria / EEA
Use of Austrian settings and shooting locations
Participation of filmmakers from Austria / EEA
Minimum length 45 minutes
Qualified independent film production company with a permanent establishment or subsidiary in Austria
One or more television broadcasters furnish at least 30% of the total production costs
Broadcasting companies may acquire the rights to television films and documentaries for a maximum of seven years, or ten years for series
Funding support is capped at 20%, in exceptional cases at 30%, of adequate production costs
Special consideration is given to projects with high production expenses in Austria and a high international budget contribution
Funding support is awarded in form of a non-repayable grant. Applications are accepted four times per year. Funding decisions are made by the respective managing director for media of RTR-GmbH under consideration of the RTR funding objectives and reports from the review committee.
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Federal Ministry for Art, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, Department IV/3 - Film
The Art Section of the Austrian Federal ChancelleryArt Section of the Austrian Federal Chancellery () supports innovative projects in the fields of feature films, documentaries, animations, and experimental films as well as young filmmakers and new talent.
Funding is available not only for script writing, project development, production, and distribution but also for scholarships, repertory cinema, festival participation etc.
Eligibility to file applications is based on Austrian citizenship or permanent residence in Austria (for at least three years). Applications are usually accepted three times per year (sometimes at different dates for the various fields of promotion). Funding is awarded according to the recommendations of an advisory board.
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pdf, 359 KBRegional Funding
Regional film funding is primarily based on the Culture Promotion Act (KFG) and either directly assigned to the culture departments of the respective provincial governments or represented by independent institutions. In such cases, regional film commissions are often responsible for processing funding programs.
Applications are generally accepted all year long.
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Provincial Government of BurgenlandProvincial Government of Burgenland () (German)
Film projects by institutions and individuals are promoted based on a small production grant. Moreover, the provincial government awards scholarships for “artistic training”. The key factors of eligibility are the project’s regional connection and artistic quality as well as recommendation by the relevant cultural advisory board.
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Carinthia Film CommissionCarinthia Film Commission () (German)
The Carinthia Film Commission was established to provide film funding on behalf of the federal province of Carinthia, and is available to filmmakers as an advisory organization for filming in Carinthia. Funding is available for project development, production and exploitation. Selected projects with a cultural connection to Carinthia that meet the funding guidelines receive an adequate production cost subsidy.
Federal Province of CarinthiaFederal Province of Carinthia () (German)
Funding is primarily available for smaller film projects of high artistic level as well as new talent projects with a cultural connection to Carinthia.
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Lower Austria
Federal Province of Lower AustriaFederal Province of Lower Austria () (German)
Lower Austria promotes film productions in the fields of cinema, television, new talents, and art that are either content-wise or personally connected to Lower Austria or produced in Lower Austria. Aside from cultural aspects, eligibility is also based on the project’s touristic value. Moreover, the following reference rates apply for cinema and TV productions in terms of their effect on Lower Austria related to the awarded support: 100% for documentaries, 150% for feature films, and at least 200% for TV series. The reference value for funding is about 4 - 10% of total production costs.
Lower Austrian Film CommissionLower Austrian Film Commission ()
Here you can find a Showreel.
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Federal Province of SalzburgFederal Province of Salzburg () (German)
The free film funding program of the federal province of Salzburg is primarily designed to promote cinematic art. Funding is available for feature films, animations, experimental films, and documentaries.
Filmlocation SalzburgFilmlocation Salzburg ()
The regional film commission of the federal province of Salzburg promotes commercial film productions in the field of cinema and television. The overall and film-related effect for Salzburg is a crucial guideline for assessing the eligibility of a project. Expenditures in Salzburg must amount to at least 200% of the awarded support (“Salzburg effect”), while at least 100% must be spent on goods and services of the Salzburg film industry (“Salzburg film industry effect”). Another key aspect of funding is the clear international exploitability of filed projects. Filmlocation Salzburg prefers promotion applicants with a permanent residence or establishment in the federal province. Funding is available for cinema films and TV productions.
Here you can find a Showreel.
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Cine Styria Film Commission & Fund
Funding is available for cinema and television productions related to Styria. The projects need to be at least partially realized in Styria and have both touristic and economic value for the federal province. Expenditures in Styria must amount to at least 1.5 times the awarded support. Another key aspect of funding is the international exploitability of filed projects.
Here you can find a Trailer.
Cine ArtCine Art () (German)
Cine Art is the Styrian film promotion program for artistic cinema and TV productions. It pays special attention to aspects of esthetic film and the critical examination of audiovisual media.
Film Commission Graz (German)
The Film Commission is the central service, contact and support point for filmmakers in Graz. Both cinema and television projects are supported. In addition to financial support, they offer a comprehensive range of services to producers that are realizing their project in Graz.
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Federal Province of TyrolFederal Province of Tyrol () (German)
The federal province offers annual subsidies for institutions as well as project grants and stipends in the field of “film, video and media art”. Amongst other aspects, eligibility is based on the project’s connection to Tyrol (content-wise, institutionally, or personally/biographically).
Cine Tirol Film CommissionCine Tirol Film Commission ()
Selected cinema and television productions are offered a Cine Tirol Production Incentive in form of a non-repayable production grant. Moreover, Cine Tirol Location Service provides extensive information and assistance to filmmakers. Eligibility is based on the project’s Tyrol-related content as well as its economic effect on Tyrol (local production expenditures). Further assessment criteria by Cine Tirol are the artistic quality of the film project and its international exploitability. Only both creatively and economically experienced producers are qualified to apply.
Here you can find a Trailer.
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Upper Austria
Federal Province of Upper AustriaFederal Province of Upper Austria () (German)
Funding is available to project development, production and exploitation of film projects with an artistic focus and a regional connection in the fields of experimental film, documentaries and feature films. Awarded funding may amount to a maximum of 10% of total eligible costs. Taking into account artistic, touristic and economic aspects, qualified filmmakers receive support in form of funds and services to realize their film projects.
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Vienna Film FundVienna Film Fund ()
The Vienna Film Fund is Austria’s the largest regional promotion institution with an annual funding value of EUR 11 million financed by the City of Vienna. This is how the Vienna Film Fund promotes not only the quality and diversity of Austrian film but also Vienna’s cinema industry. Funding is available to feature films (of at least 70 minutes) as well as children’s films and documentaries (of at least 59 minutes) for cinema and television. The project’s cultural, artistic and economic value is a key aspect of eligibility and measured based on the Vienna film industry effect: at least 100% of awarded funding must benefit Viennese filmmakers, Vienna’s film infrastructure, or Vienna as a film location.
Funding decisions are made by a jury and/or the Vienna Film Fund’s managing director. Applications are accepted four times per year.
Vienna Film CommissionVienna Film Commission ()
Here you can find a Showreel.
The Vienna Film Incentive promotes international fiction and non-fiction productions (e.g. feature films, fiction series and documentaries) for cinema, television and VoD platforms with a minimum running time of 45 minutes that are filmed in Vienna and intended for international distribution. Productions must carry out at least two full days of actual filming in Vienna.
Funding is available for expenses related directly to filming in Vienna.
City of ViennaCity of Vienna () (German)
The Culture Department (MA 7) of the City of Vienna promotes film projects (e.g. production, festival, institution) related to Vienna.
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Federal Province of Vorarlberg (German)
Funding is available for artistic film projects (including film festivals and smaller cinemas) as well as film projects of regional-economic and touristic-cultural value. This additional, earmarked promotion fund of EUR 250,000 was established in 2014 to promote films addressing Vorarlberg as a place of culture, economy or tourism. Eligibility is based on the project’s quality, connection to Vorarlberg, exploitability, and range. Awarded funding may amount to a maximum of 20% of total eligible costs without exceeding EUR 150,000 per production. Both Austrian and international productions (EEA region) may apply.