Let's CHANGE the picture!
After two successful rounds of the script competition for series, the script competition team and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy are pleased to announce a new call for entries for Heldinnen in Serie - Let's change the picture.
Heldinnen in Serie - Let's change the picture!
After two successful rounds of the script competition for series, the script competition team and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy are pleased to announce a new call for entries for Heldinnen in Serie - Let's change the picture.
As part of Let's change the picture, we are only looking for ideas for series with at least one central female protagonist over 55 years from the areas of MINT - mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology.
The stories submitted are intended to convey positive role models, encourage girls to become active in these areas and break down role stereotypes of women over 55.
Submissions are possible from today at drehbuchwettbewerb@filminaustria.at and was extended until January 28th, 2024.
Exposés can be submitted for serial formats of all genres, in German or English and regardless of whether they are intended for linear or non-linear reception.
From all submissions, four exposés will be awarded prize money of 20,000 euros each, which will also qualify for participation in a mentoring program for the authors, which will take place between May and autumn 2024.
Further information and the forms can be found here!
We are pleased about a renewed collaboration with the Script Forum ViennaScript Forum Vienna (), who support us especially in the entire mentoring process, and our new partners from Let’s change the pictureLet’s change the picture () (Palais F*luxx and Gesine Cukrowski)!