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Federal Minister Kocher about FISAplus

27. February 2024

The new FISAplus incentive model promotes advertising value and brand value for the whole of Austria

Since the beginning of 2023, 113 projects with around 109.9 million euros have been approved with FISAplus. This has resulted in 2,900 days of shooting and an Austria effect of around 347 million euros, and generated almost 1 billion euros in total sales including indirect and induced effects.

For every euro of funding from FISAplus, 3 euros are spent directly on production in Austria.

The creation of infrastructure such as the new HQ7 film studio in the port of Vienna will also ensure Austria's competitiveness as a film location and arouse interest in filming international productions. Qualified jobs will be created and digital expertise will be built up.

Click here for the BMAW press release! (German)

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